Notes and links of interest:

Most paintings that I do from sketches and photographs are not
intended to show how things actually exist in Monument
I use the same artistic
license that John
Ford did as a filmmaker.
Monument Valley was a backdrop for his westerns. His films told
stories. I like to create paintings and drawings that do the
same. For example, my
watercolor sketch Tyree's Ride an
interpretation of a action sequence in Ford's
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon.

Sergeant Tyree is a character from a John Ford film played by Ben
Johnson, a skilled horseman and the only experienced
wrangler to ever win an Academy Award. During She Wore a Yellow
Ribbon Tyree is sent out as a scout. At one point he is
attacked by Comanche and makes a run for it.
The freeze-framed sequence is an invitation to sketch and study
horse and rider in action.
Bob Glover, the
artist go back

The following links give you access to Monument Valley vistas
and features. Also, in case you haven't noticed many of the links
in the paragraphs above and for some of the images are searches
of the Web using keywords I selected as being appropriate for this
webpage. The search engine used is available at the
top of this page and throughout Bob
go back

Western star Harry Carey died in 1947. Director John Ford
cast Carey's wife (Olive Carey) as Mrs. Jorgensen (the mother)
and Carey's son (Harry Carey Jr.) as one of the sons (Brad)
as a tribute to Carey. In the closing scene with John Wayne framed
in the doorway, Wayne holds his right elbow with his left hand
in a pose that Carey fans would recognize as one that he often
used. Wayne later stated he did it as a tribute to Carey. Off-camera,
Olive watched quoted
from for
The Searchers (1956) ~
go back
